Spring has sprung and every springI look around at our brown yard and my neighbor’s green yards and I have to remind myself that there’s a reason their grass is greener

It’s not because “the grass is greener where you water it” 

Though that’s true: if you don’t water your lawn (and there’s not enough rain), it won’t grow. Similarly, your relationships, businesses, ministries, etc, won’t grow unless you water them (bring life)

It’s not because “the grass is greener where there’s good soil”

Though that’s true: Toxic soil produces toxic results. no matter how much you water your lawn, relationship, business, ministry, etc, if the soil has no nutrients their growth will always be stunted. It’s important to regularly “clean up” and replenish the soil of our lives through self-care and self-growth

It’s not because “the grass is greener where sun is balanced’

Though that’s true: too much sun and the grass burns up; too little and the grass grows weak and spindly. Similarly, too much energy and your relationships, businesses, ministries, etc burn out; while too little energy leads to weak and spindly results

The REAL reason their grass is greener

The real reason my neighbors have green yards and I don’t isn’t because we don’t have enough water sunlight or nutrients (Mr. Man spends a lot of it time and money on fertilizer, sprinkler system, and all the things). The real reason their yard is greener is because… it’s not grass. It’s weeds. It’s clover. It’s wild grass that hurts your feet after it gets tough

And around these parts, the weeds grow up green while the “nice grass” is still developing roots and the underlying structure that will help it survive hot Texas summers and still spring back to life after cold, icy winters

Our yard will be green soon enough, and when it grows in it will be a source if pride and joy for our family

If you’re looking at the fast growth of other’s businesses, relationships, ministries, etc and wondering if all your labor, effort, and investment is worth it remember: sometimes their grass is greener because it’s not grass

Let’s Walk Abundantly,


PS: If you have a heart for kids please take a look at fellow veteran Phi Tran’s “Fostering Our Youth” nonprofits. They have several scholarships, including nursing, STEM, and more. They are looking for sponsors for their 4th Anniversary event and together I know we can help them help more kids (see below)


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