Meet JJ In Person for Financial Coaching or an Interview
- In-Person (Stephenville – 148 W. College Suite 201)
- In-Person (Granbury – The Workplace, 307 W. Pearl)
- In-Person (Glen Rose – Grounded Coffee Shop)
Meet JJ Virtually for Financial Coaching or an Interview
- 10-min Quick Chat while JJ Drives or Walks
- 30-min Virtual Discovery Session
- Group Coaching (no appointment needed – Every 1st Tue 11am CT)
- Application for One-on-One Financial Coaching (limited openings)
Speaking Engagements
- Invite JJ to Speak At Your Event
- Join JJ’s Speakers List For Speaker Alerts
- Apply for One of JJ’s Annual Conferneces
- Women’s Wealth Tour
- Juneteenth Legacy
- Solid Rock Summit (Christian Entrepreneurs)
- Women’s Pastors Conference
- Women Veterans Retreat