Today’s the first day of band camp and we learned a few things about Philip’s freshmen year at North Carolina A&T
First of all, driving back and forth from his Granddady’s place takes a LOT longer during the “regular workweek” than it did during Christmas Break when the town was dead
Then, we learned freshmen aren’t supposed to have cars on campus. We’re trying to get an exception, but in the meantime we’ve applied for him a dorm.
And if we don’t get an exception, I’ll happily take the car back home til next year. After all, I reminded him: it’s still My car anyway
I’m realizing this may not be a very friendly post to students, lol, they’re probably like daaaaang she took his car
Just wait til you start paying for insurance! No sense paying all that money for a car sitting there useless far from the campus. I couldn’t call that insurane company fast enough to drop that mileage. It’s not good for the battery either
Seriously though, it got me to thinking:
If you decided to move off campus, remember there are extra things you gotta pay for, not just rent.
Electric, water, internet, sometimes trash, cable (for AFTER you study lol), streaming services, gas to/from campus, parking pass on campuss
Most apartments take care of the landscape but many rent homes YOU have to mow the yard and make sure it’s straight
Will you need a permit for guests?
What about bugs / rodents? If they get in, some landlords will bomb it for you. Some won’t
What if your roomate stops paying? will the landlord help you get them out or are you stuck? You need to plan for stuff like this BEFORE it happens
Make sure you read the lease so you know exactly what you’re responsible for. Some evil landlords are counting on you NOT reading the lease so they can take advantage of you
One time I had a landlord put in there I would have to do all repairs, even if the air conditioner broke down! The devil IS a liar!
If you’re moving off campus I’m excited for you and I hope you’ll look out for these things
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